Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to fight off sinus infections with water

Water is life. The human body itself is composed of about 75% water. With this, it is not surprising at all that having enough water in our system is crucial for good health. Water works wonders in helping maintain a healthy weight, flushing out toxins and keeping skin look good and supple. But did you know that water is good even for your sinuses too? Oh yeah! Here are ways how:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Real Food Vs. Processed Food

As awareness increases as to the dangers of our modern diet, as obesity rates sky rocket and the number of people with diabetes rise, people are becoming increasingly concerned with the quality of their diets. No longer interested in merely eating what's available at the supermarket, people want to know what they're putting in their mouths, where it came from, and most importantly, what it's made of. How can these people educate themselves best as to their diets? What principles should they adhere to in order to ensure a healthy and active source of nutrition?