Thursday, December 9, 2010

Real Food Vs. Processed Food

As awareness increases as to the dangers of our modern diet, as obesity rates sky rocket and the number of people with diabetes rise, people are becoming increasingly concerned with the quality of their diets. No longer interested in merely eating what's available at the supermarket, people want to know what they're putting in their mouths, where it came from, and most importantly, what it's made of. How can these people educate themselves best as to their diets? What principles should they adhere to in order to ensure a healthy and active source of nutrition?

One of the best principles, the simplest and easiest to remember is to not eat anything that your grandparents wouldn't have served at the dinner table. If you pick up a product and think, ‘Wow, this is awfully new and different from anything I've ever seen,' than most probably you should put it down and walk away. That's because most processed foods today are chock full of chemical preservatives, flavorings, moisturizers, artificial sweeteners, and more. Entire industries exist to extract these additives from everything from petroleum to rock and acid. By avoiding these processed foods, you are going to avoid ingesting all these strange and artificial processed foods that are awful for you.
Instead, you should try to eat whole foods. What do we mean by whole foods? Whole foods are the kind of food that has not been processed, has not been cut, mixed, packaged, sweetened, dehydrated, or had any sort of process applied to it. A potato, a whole chicken, a salmon filet, an apple, all of these are considered whole foods. But you can buy whole ingredients as well, and make your own whole foods, cooking healthy, nutritious and delicious meals.
So there you have it. Avoid all the artificial sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup, avoid all the chemical ingredients you can't pronounce, avoid things in bright shiny packaged, and in general avoid eating anything that has a lot of advertising behind it. Instead, eat natural, healthy whole foods that your grandparents would have eaten, and stay healthy and strong!


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