Yep, that’s right. Some so-called “superfoods” marketed to raw foodists are not so super at all. In fact, MOST raw superfoods are a complete waste of your money!
For today, let’s stick with a few of the more popular products: spirulina, hemp protein powder, and goji berries.
Hopefully you haven’t been sucked into buying these superfoods due to hype marketing and well-written sales pages.
Sorry to rub it in if you have, but the following information is for your own good.
#1: Spirulina
Spirulina is a blue-green algae typically sold in powder form and very popular within the raw food movement.
$30-40 per pound
What (Supposedly) Makes It So Super?
• nutrient-dense
• provides all of the essential amino acids
• good source of vitamin B12
Why You Shouldn’t Buy It
Spirulina is nutrient-rich? Perhaps, but it really doesn’t matter because the recommended dose of 6-10 grams per day is tiny.
At the high end, 10 grams of spirulina contains only 2.6 mcg of vitamin K, 9.4 mcg of folate, 12 mg of calcium, and 19.5 mg of magnesium.
On the other hand, 12 ounces (340 grams) of romaine lettuce in a healthy, good-sized salad contains 348.4 mcg of vitamin k, 462.4 mcg of folate, 112.2 mg of calcium, and 47.6 mg of magnesium.
‘Nough said.
So they say that spirulina is a complete protein, containing all 8 essential amino acids?
Who cares?
Your own body has the ability to store the amino acids you get from food until your cells need them. You do not need to consume each amino acid at every meal or even every day.
Besides, you can get all the protein you need – including all essential amino acids – simply by eating a variety of fruits and greens throughout the year.
Spirulina contains B12? While this is true, the B12 is in an inactive form that actually disrupts the absorption of B12 that IS active and bioavailable.
#2: Raw Hemp Protein Powder
Raw Hemp protein powder is simply a cold-pressed powder made from raw hemp seeds.
$12-20 per pound
What (Supposedly) Makes It So Super?
• protein-rich
• full of essential fatty acids
Why You Shouldn’t Buy It
The truth is that the human body needs very little protein. As long as you are getting enough calories from fresh fruit and eating a healthy amounts of greens, you will get enough protein.
What about EFAs? You can get those simply by eating enough fresh fruits and greens and including a minimal amount of nuts and seeds in your diet.
#3: Dried Goji Berries
Goji Berries (aka Wolfberries) are a fruit grown in China. They are typically sold dried or in powder form in most health food stores and online raw food shops.
$13-30 per pound
What (Supposedly) Makes Them So Super?
• one of the most nutritious fruits,
• full of antioxidants,
• anti-aging
Why You Shouldn’t Buy Them
Besides being ridiculously costly, dried goji berries are nothing special at all. They’re nothing more than dried fruit.
Extremely EXPENSIVE dried fruit!
If you really want to eat superfruits, go for FRESH produce. Fresh, whole fruit beats dried every time in both taste and nutrition.
And of course, we can’t forget about cost. Most fruits, including bananas, mangoes, grapes, peaches, oranges, apples, and pineapples, can be purchased for less than $2 per pound.
And you can likely find better prices than that if you shop around and buy in bulk.
By : Swayze
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