Friday, March 25, 2011

Begin dinner with as much fruit as you want

Healthy-lifestyle : Since last week’s lesson, you should now be eating only raw fruits and veggies for breakfast and lunch. That means at least 2/3 of your calories everyday come from raw foods.

Well done! That is a serious accomplishment for only two weeks. I am sure that you have noticed some awesome benefits and want to keep improving.

Well, that’s exactly what this next step is for! Instead of eating an all cooked dinner, you will start the meal with as much fruit as possible. After that, you can eat your regular cooked fare.

More fruit?

Yes, more fruit! Hey, you should be overjoyed that you get to eat so much food! What other diet plan lets you do that?


It is important to wait at least 30 minutes between your fruit meal and your cooked dish. Fruit digests much quicker than anything cooked and eating the two together will result in gas and bloating.
Get creative! Make a mouth-watering fruit salad or beautifully arrange orange segments on a plate. This will make the meal something special for you and the envy of all your friends and family.
The more fruit you eat, the less cooked food you will desire and the better you will feel in the morning.
Try acidic fruits like oranges and pineapple for this meal. They digest quickly and work well with salads. *hint, hint*
Don’t forget to drink some water a few minutes before it’s time to eat!

#1 Citrus Circus

6 medium oranges
1 medium-large grapefruit
2 medium kiwi
Cut into same-sized pieces and put into bowl or arrange on a plate.

#2 Why Can’t We Elope?

2 large musk melons
Basil to taste
Half a lime
Blend cantaloupe until smooth. Chop basil and add to “soup.” Add a squeeze of lime and chill in the fridge. Perfect for summer!

#3 Grapey Goodness

2 pounds of red, black, or green grapes
Blend or eat whole. Too simple? Throw in some berries!

NOTE: All of these recipes equal about 500 calories. Please be sure to increase/decrease the amount if you need more/less. Remember, your best defense against cravings is to eat enough calories from sweet fruit!

Food for Thought

Exchanging cooked calories for raw calories during dinner is often the hardest step for people. Dinner is associated with family, friends and good times. It can be hard to eat “boring” fruits and veggies when there is so much pressure to “go with the flow.”

That’s why I have broken the dinner meal into sections. By just beginning the meal with fruit, you still get to eat cooked. Remember, baby steps…

Go raw and be fit,

articles by : Swayze

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