Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Living A Normal Life With Asthma

Asthma is a condition that affects many people for their entire lives. For these individuals, they will have to grow accustomed to experiencing asthma attacks every so often. Though, dealing with asthma can be challenging for anyone, even those who have managed the condition for a long time.

One of the basics of asthma management is to take medication when you are supposed to. Not doing so can result in serious consequences, as well as more intense symptoms and an aggravation of the disease. Also, an immunity will start to build against the medication if not taken on a regular basis.
Next, anyone that you are closely associated with should be informed that you suffer from asthma. This includes coworkers, family members, and friends. If you experience an asthma attack, then those around you understand what's happening and can be of assistance. Sufferers should not feel ashamed in any way for having asthma, and not telling anyone will only be harming themselves. Be sure to tell them exactly what needs to be done during an emergency and how they should respond if you are feeling symptoms.
Dealing with asthma does not mean living a completely sedentary lifestyle. Being active is very important to help manage and possibly improve your condition. While getting started with an exercise routine may be a bit challenging, especially for exercised-induced sufferers, with time exercising will begin to feel more natural and fun at the same time. Taking medication will also not be so difficult over time and you will become more knowledgeable about your condition.
While it may seem easy to give up, it's important that you realize that despite having asthma you can still live a normal life. As long as asthma is managed properly, you won't have too much to worry about. And, if you exercise regularly, consume a healthy diet, and take medication when required, then your condition will actually get better and allow you to live an active lifestyle just like anyone else.

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